Marching Band Start-Up Day for 2024 will be Saturday, May 11, 2024. Mark your calendar now!
Start-Up Day – Saturday, May 11 – 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
The season officially kicks-off with our Marching Band Start-Up Day in May! All incoming freshmen as well as continuing band students are required to attend. Events include:
Instrument Check-Out
Show Music
Marching Basics
Music Fundamentals
Parent Volunteer Training
Parent Social
Student / Parent Meetings
Registration and Instrument Check-Out – Saturday, May 11 – 7:00 AM
All students must register in the Auditorium Lobby. Students requiring the use of a school-owned instrument will be issued one for use throughout the school year and will be available on a first come, first served basis. Instrument Check-out will be in the band room (Room 1001).
Student & Parent Meeting – DVHS Auditorium – Saturday, May 11 – 8:00 AM
This meeting is for at least one parent for each current and future student in the Marching Band. Please make arrangements to attend this very important meeting, as we will be going through the expectations of the program, the handbook, the fall rehearsal and performance schedule, procedures and information, the fall marching production, and answering questions.
Parent Social and Q&A – Saturday, May 11 – 9:00 AM
After Mrs. Govan’s meeting, stay for a parent social sponsored by the DVHS Band Parent Volunteers. Here you can meet other Band families, meet other parents in your “section,” explore opportunities to serve, and have a great time connecting with new friends!
Volunteer Training – DVHS Choir Rm – Saturday, May 11
All parents planning to serve as a volunteer must complete DVUSD Volunteer Training every three to five years. Parents planning to chaperone overnight and/or out of state trips must be fingerprinted.